Course title: Coding Methods for Wireless Communication Cellular Systems
Course Organizer: Čedomir Stefanović
Lecturers: Čedomir Stefanović, Jesper H. Sørensen and Petar Popovski
ECTS: 1.25
Time: 16-18 November, 2016
Place: Aalborg University (aalborg Campus)
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg Øst
Number of seats: 30
This is a 3-day course, covering the coding/decoding methods and emphasizing the aspects specific for the wireless communications. The goal is to provide understanding and insights into the fundamental aspects and modern developments of the coding theory and discuss their applicability in the challenges faced by the emerging wireless communication systems. Initially, fundamentals like modeling of noisy channels and limits on the rate of communication are covered, along with the coding requirements in wireless systems. We proceed to present some of the most successful coding schemes that are results of recent research efforts. Finally, we conclude the course with the presentation of the techniques relevant to the multiple access channels, which are inherent to wireless communications. The course will bring knowledge on both mature solutions, already widely used today, and more cutting-edge solutions with high research activity.
• Introduction and motivation: channel models, channel capacity, why do we need codes and how to use them, basics of coding and decoding algorithms.
• Linear codes. Encoding, decoding and measures of reliability.
• Convolutional codes, trellis representation and decoding on a trellis. Trellis coded modulation.
• Introduction to codes-on-graphs and iterative decoding algorithms.
• Turbo codes.
• LDPC codes.
• Rateless codes.
• Coding for multiple access channels: channel models and coding techniques. Coded random access.
The attendees will take active part in the course, by preparing and presenting beforehand assigned relevant papers.
Required background:
Basics of information theory and digital communications, probability theory, stochastic processes